For females, things get rather complicated. But to simplify things, just know that one of the two ovaries produce an egg that is released into the fallopian tube. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube anticipating to find a sperm to fertilize it. If fetilization takes place, the egg implants itself on the uterus wall and thats when it starts to develop into a baby.
Female reproductive system |
The human chromosomes
A healthy human has 46 chromosomes made up of 23 from the mother and the other half from the father. People regarded as retarted are missing a chromosome as a result of either an immature sperm fertilizing an egg or a mature sperm fertilizing an immature egg.
What sex is the baby going to be?
The sex of the baby is purely determined by the sperm sex chromosome. A female egg only caries the X chromosome whilst the male sperm can either carry X or Y chromosomes.
A boy is concieved if the Y sperm fertilizes the egg thus creating the paring is XY.
A girl is born when a sperm carrying the X chromosome fertilizes the egg making a combination of XX.
Sperm speed, strength and life expectancy
The sperm that carries the X chromosomes have a longer life expectancy than the sperm that carries the Y chromosome. This probably explains why females generally have a high life expectancy than the males.
It should come as no surprise that the Y sperm has more strength than the X sperm. As a result of this, the Y sperm burns more energy than the X sperm. The male sperms are faster than female sperms hence why they burn more energy. This is another general characteristic of males.
It is important to note that an egg only has a life expectancy of 24 hours and thus fertilization needs to take place within that window. Knowing that male sperm has a lower life expectancy than female sperm, it is imperative that you time sex well according to this fact to increase your chances of concieving a girl.
Sperm can live for 4 to 7 days inside the body of a female. If you want to increase your chances of having a baby boy, have sex during your ovulation cycle as much as you can if your spouse has a high sperm count. Otherwise, avoid having sex until ovulation begins if his sperm count is very low.
If you want to increase your chances of concieving a baby girl, have regular sex and stop at least 3 or 4 days before your ovulation cycle begins. This ensures that most of the male sperm has either died off or has lost the energy required to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
If it is unacceptable for you and your partner to not have sex during your ovulation cycle when trying for a baby girl, use condoms throughout your ovulation cycle. The withdrawal or pullout method is not an efficient method because the precum does at times contain small traces of sperm.
If you know of other methods, please feel free to share them in the comments.
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